DECAYCAST Reviews: VYLTER Industries “I” (Holojamz, 2o2o)




Vylter Industries ( VYLTER, Serotonin Jackalope et al )  creates at a seemingly unimaginable pace, so much so that it’s often hard to get a full grasp of the previous work before the next one drops, though with “I” the project now known as Vylter Industries) is back with one of the heaviest and darkest offerings from the project to date;  smoggy, dense sonic explorations to take us into a narrowed hallway encapsulated with the spilling blood-purple haze of an unknown space in reverse.


“I” is cavernous riffs bleeding into each other like a sonic hurricane. Slow motion controlled chaos.  Blending chopped and screwed, doom, vaporwave, and ambient styles “I”  never strays too far away from a defined sound, while at the same time weaponizing a wide range of sonic modes to wage a psychedelic trap against monotony. “I’  casts thick doom-ridden clouds into a crowded space where the listener spirals into a psychedelic frenzy. Heavy, distorted waves crash in like a digital sea, enveloping sight, and screen before a grasp of reality occurs, just for a second. Distant strums become closer and more menacing as “I” pulls you into an uncontrolled acceleration, spinning against the walls of time, a life and death sonic vortex. Powerful powerful sounds.   Highly recommended.


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